Wednesday, May 7, 2014

THE IMPORTANCE OF A WELL CONSTRUCTED CV “Putting my best foot forward”

Have you ever took time to ask yourself why do you have a CV, really asked yourself why is it so important and what significant role does it have or could have in your life. In the past a CV’s was just done as part of compliance, so you sand a CV and trust and hope to the stars to align in your favour to be called for an interview or to get a job. Gone are those days, in today’s world the need for a CV has gone beyond compliance it has become the most important document that demands serious attention and skill in developing one as well as manage it.


Well, the JOB market has become so competitive in such a way that, if your CV is not UNIQUE and easy on the eye meaning “ATTRACTIVE” it is definitely not going to make the interview shortlist, look at your CV right now and ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Will I call myself or this person for an interview?
  2. Is this CV Attractive or Unique?
  3. Does it put my best foot forward? 
  4. Looking at your CV NOW I want you to be honest especially to YOU jjand not to make any excuses ask yourself on face value.  Is this the best you can do?  

And you will realise why scores of people including yourself continually send CV’s looking for employment and other opportunities that could benefit you such as learnerships, internships and you wondering why you are not called even for an interview. Well the answer to that is SIMPLE as established with the questions, your CV is not ATTRACTIVE it doesn't have the WOW element it does not call look at me read me and get the reader hooked. It is just mediocre; it does not put your best foot forward, it just becomes a part of a pile that one has to get through to find some jewel CV’s that are unique and attractive. Interestingly enough most people don’t really have a clue why exactly they must have a CV_ then importance becomes the one of having it to look for work, a default to which leads to not investing time energy and money in your CV.

SOLUTION Five important Tips to an ATTRACTIVE CV 

Personalise the reason and the importance of why you need a CV.

  1. Learn different kinds of CV’s and find one that works for you and don’t clatter it with information keep it to two pages. Topics (a) Personal Details  (B) Personal Profile (c) Evidence of Effectiveness (d) Work Experience (e) Education (f) Certificates and other Achievements (g) current and present leadership roles if any (h) and not more than three references. 
  2. Let your CV tell a story pregnant with potential rather than history.
  3. Manage it well and keep it regularly updated with easy access to print and send. 
  4. Send it with intention and keep record, plus inform your references or cc them when you email it.

In my experience in empowering the unemployed people and the ones
looking to grow from where they are to a better opportunity, I have worked with many people especially the youth, mostly don’t even know the contents in their CV’s let alone what they have done things like their certificates and name of the courses done and the institutions, with vague memories of  companies they worked for and volunteered at. It is a struggle to articulate roles they played and what they good at. I am amazed how much people take for granted their work and volunteer experience they have and things they did, how insignificant they look at their achievement i.e. school awards leadership roles.  When called for an interview people don’t even bother finding out about the institution they apply at and the job that is being applied for, and wonder why it was a disaster. Looking for a work or any opportunities it is a job in its self. It let us stop to wait and for luck and take responsibility for our own development and growth. Luck is an opportunity meeting readiness. Are you ready? Written By: Isaac Mavuso 011 860 4373 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


This year 2014 South Africa celebrates two decade’s experience in democracy, it is clear a lot has been achieved since then. On the other hand our country is still struggling with economic inequalities challenges inherited from the very past, which hit particularly hard to the previously disadvantaged black communities. We have the political freedom and that has not yet translated to the economic freedom for most South African.

Evidently the alarmingly rate of unemployment leaves a massive gap between rich and poor, the recent 2008 RECESSION compounded this challenge and set us ten steps back.  There is hope this challenge and it is the opportunity we have as South Africans to establish enterprises that will not only grow our economy but that will absorb the majority of unemployed people. In this way, people will be able to participate in the growth and development of families, communities the country and ultimately our economy. This should not be done in big scales only; a well ran spaza (mini-shop) can contribute well, thinks about this a thousand of spaza business around the country taking two people each, the impact is great and the families that benefit from these is a seed that could potentially be a Bamboo tree. 

Aspiring entrepreneur you need to identify what you are good at, enjoy doing claim your talents and your skills that you possess. Beware of your experiences they could be claimed as strengths that you could depend on while the areas you not good at you can  partner with others with that skill and we would be amazed on the things that can be achieve when people work in partnership.  There are no short cuts, understanding that perseverance and personal development is key to realize the dream, take a risk don’t allow yourself to settle in that comfortable zone, challenge yourself and remember, excuses are the absence of the desired results, therefore we need courageous entrepreneurs dedicated individuals and leaders political and otherwise who will lead with the intention to grow and develop the entrepreneurial flair to which our country would thrive.

Parallel to that we must vigorously empower the present and coming generations with tools to undertake this with ease and courage by teaching mind and instill the mental ability to develop resilience and power that will not rest nor quite till successful results are attained. Thinking and acting in the entrepreneurial space must be a habit for us to thrive in this league.  This is a journey that we need to undertake for the next twenty year to plant this seed, it takes five years for a bamboo seed to give a spring yet when it does it grows in leap and bounds the stronger the roots and foundation the stronger the tree and the greater the benefit. 1994 marks the first step towards the birth to our political freedom and now the next step is financial and economic freedom. All South Africans this is a call to commit ourselves to this goal from government, cooperate, NPO’s, schools, professionals and communities out there. This we can win the legacy we shall leave its fruits will be enjoyed for years long after we have crossed over.
By: Isaac Mavuso

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good experiences your Dependable Strength

I am reading Richard Branson's "Screw it, Let's Do it" book and this is the affirmation of our work, I facilitate a JOB Magnet process and the process takes people to their childhood days with an aim to explore their good experiences to I identify patterns that could be claimed as potential strengths.

Well let us look at what constitute a good, the father and founder of the Dependable Strengths Foundation in Seattle the late Dr. Bernard Haldane, simply put said a good experience is something you (1) Feel you did well (2) Enjoyed doing (3) and are Proud of. Now this means that you only can reflect on yourself only irrespective of who says what.

Basically reading this book "Screw it, Let's Do it" all I see is a very successful man sharing on his good experiences unfolding a pattern that is a Dependable Strength of being a "High Achiever" and became and billion-er doing what he did and had fun doing so.

Wow, thank you Mr Branson for your book that inspires us and a polite invitation to explore where we are and make a decision to do things that makes us happy to do not to earn, the actual doing.

"Have faith in yourself believe that anything can be done Live life to the full never give up".

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dream JOB

Most people seek to work for money and compromise their happiness for the money, however they are not aware of their potential to be happy to earn and to be giving at the same time. Let us seek deep within ourselves and will realise that we can do better when we do not compromise our true nature.